"Do one thing every day that scares you." – Eleanor Roosevelt
Billy and Jim in their finale after my doodlin' deed was done.
Most days I'm quite content to sit at my cozy desk, doodling... or daydreaming about doodling. It takes so much effort to tackle something that's outside the comfort zone, but then I try to remind myself of Mrs. Roosevelt's cattle prod of a quote as I have done for many years now. I can honestly say that almost all of my most treasured experiences and accomplishments have come because I crossed the line of what was "easy." Now, some scary decisions are big. Like quitting a day job or moving to a new city. Some aren't that dramatic but still can give a person a jolt.
I am such a big fan of Jim Caruso and Billy Stritch, brilliant entertainers both. So when they asked on a whim if I'd sit in and draw them on their first live streaming web concert, I happily agreed! What was I getting myself into?? It was not unlike my days as a quick sketch event caricaturist, right? Sort of. They introduced me near the beginning of the concert and explained what I would be doing. Then I got started. About ten minutes in, I realized that I wasn't working towards a quick sketch piece but rather a piece that was much more finished. It would have to be a little rough around the edges, but I was attempting a studio illustration live on the interwebs. I got a wee bit flop sweaty nervous. Ha! And as if I weren't shaky enough, I was using the piano as my desk and Billy was playing with vigor, so I found another flat surface. For a while I was racking my brain for an excuse why I wouldn't be able to show the thing at the end. Then, the sketch took a turn and I realized that I wouldn't have to hide it. And the addition of a big pop of color made it better too. I was done just a couple of minutes before the fellows called me back in front of the webcam. What a ride! Thanks, fellows, for the adventure!
The final piece. Rough around the edges, but still pretty spiffy I think.