I often find myself in theatre seats and cozy backstage spaces and cabaret clubs and watering holes and Theatre District thoroughfares, and I see many folks doing fantastic things in this crazy world of showbiz: Onstage and behind the scenes; New kids on the block, working Joes and Josephines, legends in their own time, and remembrances of those who have never left us in spirit. The theatre is an ephemeral artform, although with modern technology and the proliferation of video this is becoming less the case. But still, there are those who exhibit genius and character that may never be pointed out on a large scale. I hope to shine a bit of light. As has been spoken on a few stages a few times over the years, "Attention must be paid."
The very core purpose of my illustration work is the celebration of these people, and I'll be using this blog as a platform to acknowledge folks that I just feel like acknowledging. It's all incredibly subjective, I know. And of course I'm grateful for my weekly Broadway Ink platform on Broadway.com, but there are many times I wish to put the spotlight on folks who may not find themselves center stage on the Broadway, well at the moment I've got in my sights anyway. I've been doing it in various ways for a long time, but here in this shiny new year I've decided to streamline these efforts on this page, whether it be a simple drawing, a video, or whatever. And then all the tendrils of social media can start from here. Simple, celebration, gratitude: all happy key words of my adventures in 2014 and onward. Here we go...